Tokyo olympics 2020: technology rundown
Sadly, the Tokyo Olympics are now over; throughout the past few weeks, we have seen some remarkable wins and record breaks. On the tech side, we have seen extensive uses of advanced technologies – from robots to AI. Keep reading to find out about all the technical innovations from the Olympics.  

Humans weren’t the only ones showing off their skills and breaking records! Toyota’s AI-powered robot was seen during “Team USA battle France” making multiple 3-point shots from halftime. The machine was designed to repeat this task with 100% accuracy – holding the Guinness World Record for its ability to do so. The robot uses sensors and AI to gauge distance, angles, and momentum to get the ball into the hoop. Pretty Impressive!

Additionally, a pair of human support robots and deliver support robots were deployed to guide spectators, bring merchandise and snacks. These mascots were equipped with digital cameras using facial recognition, allowing them to detect and respond to visitors. These AI-driven robots successfully reduced the number of human volunteers required. The T-HR3 humanoid robot was also deployed to create an enhanced remote experience – the bot transmitted sounds and images and mirrored physical movements to bots in remote locations for a seamless experience.

Wearable tech

Wearable tech has been widely implemented at the Tokyo Olympics this year. It was especially beneficial to keep track of athletes when training grounds were closed due to the pandemic. As a result of this, players could receive quick feedback which enabled strategy and tactic changes for the best results. Additionally, Olympic cyclists made use of AR glasses that simulated the actual track of the Tokyo Olympics while also monitoring vitals.

Other wearable tech such as 3D printed custom shoes, swimsuits that minimised drag and intelligent clothing/sports gear with temperature regulation are just some examples of the innovations we have seen this year!

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems and tools were designed to keep tabs on athletes competing in various events, showed real-time data, gathered analytics and helped with robotics.
We can’t wait to see what the future Olympic games will bring!
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